City: Minocqua
Wage per hour: $8.50
Hours per week: 35
Housing per week: $75
Tipped?: Yes
Overtime Available: Maybe
Position description: Bus Persons are responsible for assisting the wait staff, bringing water to the tables, clearing tables, taking out the garbage, helping to set the tables in the dining area, bringing dishes back and forth from the kitchen and generally keeping the dining room clean.
Additional Description: Paul Bunyan restaurant is a tourist destination restaurant with a large and friendly crew. The Paul Bunyan restaurant is very busy during the summer season. We serve breakfast, lunch and dinner so the shift hours will vary. Duties include assisting wait staff in the dining room and will have direct customer exposure. Clearing tables, setting tables for new customers, seating people and assisting customer service are just some of the duties you can expect. Those with advanced English skills may be allowed to host or cashier. We try to have an established set schedule so those students that want second jobs may do so.
In the area: Crew gatherings Includes social events at other businesses including restaurants and attractions, crew parties with employees, opportunities to attend local chamber or commerce events each month, visit with local attractions available to customers visiting the area. Campground and beach outings. These crew gatherings will differ each month based on availability during the season.
Provided by Host: Group gatherings and cookouts. Area events and attractions.