City: Buffalo
Wage per hour: $9.00
Hours per week: 40
Housing per week: $75
Tipped?: Yes
Overtime Available: Yes
Position description: Hospitality Crewmembers are responsible for laundry and housekeeping, kitchen and dining help, guest services, front desk, and groundskeeping/maintenance.
Additional Description: Also work in kitchen, bussing tables, server aide. Hospitality crew is housekeeping.
In the area: At this employer, company offers a two day trip to a known area in their region. We are at the foot of the Big Horn Mountains with camping, fishing, boating and hiking. There is access to lots of "Western things", including rodeo, a Longmire weekend, Basque community, music and dancing in street and a parade.
Provided by Host:We provide open time for students to view our parades and celebrations throughout their time with us.